These are the heartfelt poems of a young Bosnian woman who, as a teenager, was a victim of the brutal violence of a war waged against her people, her community, her family. In the 1990’s she came with her mother and sister to the US, as part of the refugee resettlement program. The poems were written at that time. Since then, she has continued and expanded her education, created a career, and is raising two beautiful young children. Thank you, Sani, for surviving, thriving, and generously agreeing to share yourself in your poetry.
"I Saw It"
I saw the dark eating away
The earth
And Sun was shining in the dark
I saw people attacking each other
Man spilling man's blood.
I saw bloody tears
From mothers’ eyes
I saw it - my eyes were opened
With hearts that became stones
With tears that became stones
I wish I could close my eyes
Turning on the light
"A New Life"
Is there a time to go out
And build a future
Is there a time to feel
Grateful again
While the pain is still inside
To lose all that you had
Being left with something that you don't want
I want to see a better life
A better future
Full of freedom and courage
I hope one day
They will build a city, a special one
Where the streets will be straight and fair
There won't be any hatred among people
Who would, standing, smell love in the air
Buildings clean and well decorated
Sidewalks full of vigorous rushing crowds
And I would wait for that day
And I would wait for freedom to say
I like this life